Your source for low cost spay/neuter options
Spay Colorado has been helping low income pet owners find affordable spay/neuter services since 2008. In the past 15 years we have helped cover the cost of more than 21,000 spays and neuters in low income, underserved communities of Colorado. We have spent 25 years working on the front lines of open admission animal shelters and witnessed the suffering and euthasia of homeless pets first hand.
We know people don’t want to contribute to pet overpopulation but the cost to fix their pet is out of reach for many struggling just to make ends meet. Our online directory can point you in the right direction.
We have funding to help with the costs of fixing pet cats, pit bulls and pit mixes from low income households in Montezuma, Montrose, Delta, Mesa, Fremont counties, in addition to the San Luis Valley. We partner with private veterinary clinics and provide subsidies based on your ability to pay. We’re sorry but our limited funding does not allow us to provide assistance to fix dogs, feral/community cats or cats in rescue organizations.
If you are in our service area and need financial assistance to fix your pit bull, pit mix, or cat please fill out the contact form below or call 877-654-SPAY
If you are looking for a low cost clinic for pets in other areas of the state, please visit our directory.
We want to hear from you.
Please call us at 877-654-SPAY or fill out our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Know of a vet in an area we don’t serve who would like extra business and free marketing?
If so, please send them our way. - No Spay Colorado programs in your area? Check out our online directory for other low cost options.